
Music: Claire Fraser (FREE EVENT)

Music: The Public String Band (FREE EVENT)

Music: Gypsy Soul (FREE EVENT)

Music: Scott Adams (FREE EVENT)

Music: Mignon Geli, Flute & Drum Medicine and Friends! (FREE EVENT)

Music: WorldBeat Drum Circle (FREE EVENT)

Music: WorldBeat Ensemble (FREE EVENT)

Fireside Chat: Valve Turners (Free Event)

Tim Palmer Book Signing (Free Event)

Yoga (Free Event)

Art Stroll, Grass Valley (Free Event)

Fireside Chat & Book Signing (Free Event)

Community Art Demo (Free Event)

The Scent of Wilderness Hike (Free Event)

Virtual Reality Lounge at KVMR (Free Event)

Virtual Reality Lounge at KVMR (Free Event)

Virtual Reality Lounge at KVMR (Free Event)

Media Lounge at the Winery (Free Event)

Media Lounge at the Winery (Free Event)

Media Lounge at the Winery (Free Event)

“Coyote America” Book Signing (Free Event)

Workshop: Youth v Gov an environmental justice workshop (Free Event)

Workshop: 100% Renewable Energy in the Sierra Nevada (Free Event)

Workshop: Making Progress in the Current Political Climate: Effective, Non-partisan, Grassroots Advocacy

Workshop: Lessons from Oroville Dam: From Reconstruction to Reconciliation

Workshop: Wild & Scenic Rivers: An American Legacy

Workshop: The Future of Agriculture in our Community

Enviro Fair (Free Event)

Enviro Fair (Free Event)

Workshop: And Beauty for All (Free Event)

Workshop: Diversity & the Environmental Movement (Free Event)

Workshop: Wild & Scenic Rivers Act Featuring Oregon’s 58

Workshop: Grazing, Soil Health, & Climate Change

Workshop: Coyote America (Free Event)

Coffee Talk: Protecting the Arctic for Future Generations (Free Event)

Yoga (Free Event)

Yoga (Free Event)

Coffee Talk: Belonging (Free Event)

Art Stroll, Nevada City (Free Event)

Opening Reception (Free Event)

Making Art on Earth (Free Event)

Field Trip to the Yuba River (Free Event)

Yoga (Free Event)

Yoga (Free Event)

Opening Art Reception and Award Ceremony (Free Event)