Rangers of the Ulaan Taiga

Eric Daft, Mark Fisher, Fisher Creative | 2022 | 14 min.

2023 Official Selection

Rangers are the Swiss army knives of the Mongolian National Parks, protecting nearly seventy million acres of wild landscape, cultural and historic heirlooms, and endangered animals. Despite these men and women risking their lives patrolling remote locations for weeks or even months, salaries are typically low and teams often lack the necessary equipment and training required on the job. Over the last year, the International Ranger Federation reported that 149 rangers died on duty. In 2013 the people of the Ulaan Uul valley called upon one of their own, argali sheep biologist and Hovsgol Lake National Park director Tumursukh Jal to come back and protect their home from social and environmental threats. Together they formed Ulaan Taiga National Park, over a million acres of vital waterways and imposing mountains. This short film documents the compelling dedicated work of the Ulaan Taiga rangers and how they serve not only as stewards of the land, but also as guardians.

More information:

fishercreative.com   |   mongolec.org   |   rallyforrangers.org