October 16, 2024

The Living Earth School

Charlottesville, VA

Violet Crown Cinema

Tickets & Info

Wild & Scenic On Tour Presented By:

Films to be screened include:

MUSSEL GRUBBING: A Citizen Science Treasure Hunt

Following a citizen scientist's journey of discovery, the film explores the treasure hunt for finding freshwater mussels in the upper Sangamon River. Everyday people in.. Read More

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Bright Toh: Unsung Hero

The film is an intimate portrait of Bright Toh, a young visual artist from Cameroon, who is on a journey to raise awareness about the.. Read More

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Paddle Tribal Waters

When the largest dam removal project in history begins, a group of indigenous youth learn to whitewater kayak in hopes of becoming the first people.. Read More

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Flowing – My Dream of More Freedom

The river itself speaks about its dream of flowing wilder and freer again. Dams, weirs and other obstacles disrupt the natural functioning of rivers and.. Read More

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Gardener to Guardian

Amid collapsing biodiversity worldwide, Mary Reynolds of Ireland is building a movement to turn gardeners into guardians of the planet by each returning their own.. Read More

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JoJo – A Toad Musical

"JOJO" celebrates a creative and musical portrait of JoJo Nyaribo, a young nature lover and wildlife advocate as he explores the meaning of biodiversity and.. Read More

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The Serpent’s Lair

In the face of extreme habitat loss, wildlife biologist Dr. Chris Jenkins puts an ambitious plan in motion to save two uniquely American reptiles, the.. Read More

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Vertical Meadows

As urban expansion quickly replaces natural habitats, façade engineer Alistair Law has discovered a new way to restore native ecosystems for pollinators and create natural.. Read More

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Coral Comeback

Coral reefs around the world are threatened by rising ocean temperatures, but hope is growing off the coast of Hawaii. Watch how researchers at the.. Read More

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“Maybe the very best part is missing?”, master Haida carver, Stormy, muses in this short zen-like piece about making a canoe by hand on an.. Read More

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Toxic Art

On a mission to clean up Ohio's leaking, abandoned coal mines, Ohio University Art Professor John Sabrah teamed up with an engineer to develop a.. Read More

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