September 28, 2024

San Antonio River Foundation

San Antonio, TX

Confluence Park

Tickets & Info

Wild & Scenic On Tour Presented By:

Films to be screened include:


Biopixels explores the world of evolutionary biology on the microscopic scale. Using the latest light microscope technology, butterfly wings become micro-mosaics. Butterflies and moths comprise.. Read More

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MUSSEL GRUBBING: A Citizen Science Treasure Hunt

Following a citizen scientist's journey of discovery, the film explores the treasure hunt for finding freshwater mussels in the upper Sangamon River. Everyday people in.. Read More

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All Water Touches All Water

All Water Touches All Water follows Canadian-Italian multidisciplinary artist Monica Lacey in her process of underwater          photography, as she shares her.. Read More

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Dante’s Paradise

Dante Aguilar sees the rapid degradation of the planet and applies his skills in environmental conservation and butterfly rearing to make a positive impact in.. Read More

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You Are Not Small

Lucy Hawking, award winning children's book author, and daughter of scientist Stephen Hawking, makes science accessible and engaging through her numerous books. Her latest book.. Read More

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Vertical Meadows

As urban expansion quickly replaces natural habitats, façade engineer Alistair Law has discovered a new way to restore native ecosystems for pollinators and create natural.. Read More

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Flowing – My Dream of More Freedom

The river itself speaks about its dream of flowing wilder and freer again. Dams, weirs and other obstacles disrupt the natural functioning of rivers and.. Read More

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Eeland Stribling is many things: fly fisherman, wildlife biologist, Colorado native - but most notably, he is an avid stand-up comedian. Born and raised in.. Read More

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Healing Hiłsyaqƛis

Hiłsyaqƛis (Tranquil Creek) is located within the traditional territory of the ƛaʔuukʷiʔatḥ (Tla‐o‐qui‐aht) First Nation approximately 20 km east of Tofino, in Clayoquot Sound, British.. Read More

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Toxic Art

On a mission to clean up Ohio's leaking, abandoned coal mines, Ohio University Art Professor John Sabrah teamed up with an engineer to develop a.. Read More

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Making the invisible, visible! Images of butterfly wings at the microscopic scale are stunning, and at the nanoscopic scale they become otherworldly. Shot at two.. Read More

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Paddle Tribal Waters

When the largest dam removal project in history begins, a group of indigenous youth learn to whitewater kayak in hopes of becoming the first people.. Read More

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