Yuba Salmon Dance

Michael E. Wier | 2023 | 90 min.

2025 Official Selection

Yuba Salmon Dance is a captivating short film that follows the incredible journey of Chinook salmon as they return to the Yuba River to spawn. The film captures the resilience and determination of these majestic fish who have navigated obstacles, both natural and man-made, to reach the place of their birth. Through breathtaking drone and underwater footage, we get an intimate and up-close-up look at the spawning grounds. This is the final dance for these fish as they select a mate, preform the spawning rituals, and lay their eggs and milk. After the dance is complete the Salmon will die and give their bodies and nutrients back to the river ecosystem. Salmon are one of the most giving species on earth and the greatest purveyor of ocean nutrients to the inland environment.