Kind of Fishy

Aleksander L. Nordaas (Writer, director, producer) | 2022 | 5 min.

2024 Official Selection

A unique fishtale – made with driftwood. Dive in with the fun, fast – and furious – fish!

There’s life in everything – if you just imagine. Just like Danny Driftwood does, as he creates his own underwater world in a bucket; with rocks, sand, leaves – and driftwood. And down here, magic dwells! New friendships, exploration – and, well, also an angry halibut. Can Danny and his two friends trick it and escape?

Imagination and reuse – themes that entwine and enforce, for both healthy minds and earth. “Kind of Fishy” aims to inspire just that; to encourage kids, of all ages, to look at things from a slightly different perspective. You might not see it at first glance. But tilt your head slightly, blink and look again – now what do you see?

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