Renea Roberts, Nancy Dickenson | 2012 | 66 min.
2013 Official Selection
La Querencia De La Tierra……the love of your place, of your land, of the landscape that has contributed to you as a person. Rooted Lands witnesses the predominantly Hispanic rural villages of Mora and San Miguel Counties in New Mexico (labeled as among the poorest communities in the United States) stand up and speak out against one of the world’s most powerful industries. Faced with the threat of natural gas development as mineral leases are bought by oil and gas speculators in these pristine landscapes, the citizens rise up and defend the richness of their culture, their heritage, their landscape, and their place. The documentary explores the citizen grassroots movement and witnesses how industry has affected residents in the San Juan Basin/Four Corners Area (where New Mexico, Colorado, Utah and Arizona meet) who live in full field fossil fuel development.