Outnumbered in Africa

Clare Fieseler, Gabby Salazar, Katie Schuler | 2018 | 12 min.

2019 Official Selection

Most people know the story of Zimbabwe’s most famous lion and how he was illegally shot by an American dentist in 2015. The world reacted by donating over $1 million, which funded cutting-edge research to better protect Cecil’s pack and his extended lion family. Few people know that some of that research was done by Moreangels Mbizah, a young Zimbabwean woman, Oxford University Ph.D. candidate, and mother. Outnumbered in Africa follows Moreangels’ journey after Cecil’s death, revealing a deeper story of beauty and tragedy that receives far less attention in the world of African wildlife conservation.

Funded by the National Geographic Society

More information: www.video.nationalgeographic.com