Gasland II

Josh Fox, Trish Adlesic, Deborah Wallace | 2013 | 125 min.

2014 Official Selection

Award Winner: 2014 Best of Festival

GASLAND PART II takes a deeper, broader look at the dangers of hydraulic fracturing, or ‎fracking, ‎the controversial method of extracting natural gas and oil, now occurring on a global ‎level (in 32 ‎countries worldwide). The film argues that the gas industry’s portrayal of natural gas ‎as a clean and ‎safe alternative to oil is a myth and that fracked wells inevitably leak over time, ‎contaminating water ‎and air, hurting families, and endangering the earth’s climate with the ‎potent greenhouse gas, ‎methane. In addition the film looks at how the powerful oil and gas ‎industries are “contaminating our ‎democracy”.‎