Director: Hao-Jan Chang

Chang Hao-Jan holds a master’s degree from the Graduate School of Applied Media Arts and a bachelor’s degree from the Film Department of National Taiwan University of Arts. His documentary filming credits, among others, include Lin Hwai-Min – Interface Between Worlds (ARTE/ZDF), and「Life That Sings」 which won the best cinematography award at Taipei Film Festival 2015. He started to film images for Cloudgate and the journey flows from《聽河》to 《稻禾》、《白水》、《秋水》.
His works have a rich diversity of forms which include video and photography that are seen in music videos, commercials, projection designs, fiction, and documentary films.

Chang’s credits with performing arts include projection design for The Tempest and Media by Contemporary Legend Theater (2008), Wings of desire (2016) by Century Contemporary Dance Company which was performed in Postof, Linz.