Joshua Boaz Pribanic, Melissa A. Troutman, Mark Ruffalo, Victor Pribanic, Travis Kerr, Jonathon James Pribanic, Deborah Ann Pribanic | 2020 | 85 min.

2022 Official Selection

INVISIBLE HAND, revered as “paradigm-shifting” and “unlike any film”, dives into a new perspective to address the ever-present climate emergency — giving Nature rights. The Gold Telly award-winning film features the Rights of Nature movement, a new legal paradigm where communities acknowledge Nature’s inalienable rights — an act honoring the beliefs of indigenous cultures. Narrated by degawëno:da’s (he who thunderz) of the Wolf Clan, Seneca Nation of Indians, and from Mark Ruffalo (Executive Producer), this third film by Joshua Boaz Pribanic and Melissa A. Troutman changes the narrative about who speaks for Nature.

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See this film on tour near you:

September 22, 2022 Williamsburg VA W&M College Campus