Tell us a little bit about who Michael Huth is and what you did before WSFF.
Michael Huth was born on a cold wintery night in Wisconsin in the year 1988!

Grew up an active athlete living in the country where his backyard was woods and his front yard a marsh down to the river. After college he moved to Southern CA to pursue a career in the entertainment industry. In moving west he discovered the mountains and canyons for the first time and while becoming successful in entertainment, he instead decided those skills would be better used to serve the need in the environmental sector he’d grown to love. He took on everything environmental he could to try and shift that direction from eco restoration projects, PDC certificates, and a year on a mountain learning cob building…. then he volunteered for WSFF…
What was your introduction to Wild & Scenic Film Festival?
My friend Hunter has been working with the festival for several years and told me it was something I did not want to miss for my passion and career path networking as well as the company SYRCL as a whole. This year I canceled a guys trip to Arizona because I felt if I was to commit to this area and trying to work for SYRCL that Wild and Scenic was a must attend. My introduction was working with Maddie and Caitlin as a volunteer on the activist table at HQ getting signatures and sign ups.
Why were you interested in this role with Wild & Scenic? What are you looking forward to?
I was interested in this role because I have still yet to find a company in the Environmental sector that offers a blend of the world I gained such key expertise in of film and management, and for a cause and mission so aligned with the initiatives I want to be a part of helping stand for. I am looking forward to seeing how we can grow, meeting companies and clients with a similar mission that I otherwise never would have knew existed and building those relationships. I am looking forward to working with Eric and helping grow my own role here whether cross pollination or just dialing in the tour program for SYRCL.
How do you expect your prior experience to impact your new work with Wild & Scenic?
I think just the overall scope of sales experience I have directly relating to the film industry can’t hurt. My ability to work multiple projects and people at once being in talent management will allow me to handle a robust client list with different needs. Finally, the fact I spend my free time in the mountains or chasing a river and how important protecting those areas is to my life goals will align with the great work these clients have and the people of SYRCL.

What has been your favorite WSFF experience so far?
Well I only have one and the curation of different films and genres within genres was fantastic. For me the favorite part of WSFF was the meeting of volunteers, locals who love this event, or directors that get excited to share their passions for such a unique festival. People were very excited and that passion poured over into the overall product of the festival. It was a great experience and that made me want more, and to work for this company.
What are one or two of your favorite films currently On Tour? Why?
Toxic Art I saw twice and thought it was an amazing blend of getting students active in the outdoors through education, hard work and ending with an outcome of river health and a sustainable business model that supports Art…. just the whole package of all good things. The post industrial era river cleansing work is really cool to see people taking action on.
SoundScape: I liked this because I love rock climbing and granite. Pulling on multi pitch routes is something I can appreciate the skill level involved in, and the sounds surrounding the time alone on the wall I have had are magical… so seeing someone blind do that level of climbing and not being able to even imagine how sensory incredible the sounds must be was pretty special to see.