On Tour Highlight

Outdoor Afro National and Black, Bold & Brilliant -- Salt Lake City, Utah

On Friday, June 9th, for a pre-Juneteenth celebration to support Black, Indigenous, People of Color, and LGBTQ+ communities engaging with outdoor sports, public lands, and environmental activism with outdoor films and local vendors, Outdoor Auntie and Utah Film Center’s Black Bold & Brilliant program partnered with Tracy Aviary to present the Wild & Scenic Film Festival as a fundraising event. Together, they hosted a night of adventure and exploration under the stars unlike any other programming currently offered in the state.  

All tickets included admission to Tracy Aviary and were donated to Outdoor Afro National and Black, Bold & Brilliant.

The team sold over 200 tickets at their event and doubled the attendance from last year. Their film program focused on environmental activism and social issues affecting the Black community.

Outdoor Afro works hard to celebrate and inspire those in the Black, Afro-Latino, Latino, indigenous, LGBTQ, and allied communities in Utah.

This event served to inspire Black connections and leadership in nature, and connected several communities to wildlife, water, and outdoor education through the power of cinema