David Obrien | 2013 | 8 min.
2014 Official Selection
My film”Silent Voices” came about because of an interest in film activism at an important time for British Columbia, Canada and the world with regards to energy and the environment. BC is in a unique position as its geography lies between vast oil sands reserves in the east and eager markets to the west. Government plans to push hard to export this resource shadows any desire to invest in renewables. With this in mind my film stands, with many others, as part of a movement that urges policy makers towards creating a greener energy strategy that works for the people, our economy and our environments. This film also acts as a commentary on a perceived disconnect between the natural world and ever expanding media engaged societies. With the aim of contributing to a shift in a social and cultural awareness of nature and capitalism, my film stands as a reminder that our impact upon the ecosystems in which we live deserve careful thought and open dialogue, followed by the appropriate actions. By considering that individuals, specifically youth, have the power to influence politics and the decisions we make about energy, the economy and the environment, Silent Voices encourages youth and adults alike to get out and take a stand for our land, air and water in any way we can but most simply, by exercising our right to vote.