BURKINABÈ BOUNTY: agroecology in Burkina Faso

Iara Lee | 2018 | 37 min.

2019 Official Selection

This documentary chronicles agricultural resistance and the fight for food sovereignty in Burkina Faso – a small, landlocked country in West Africa. Showcasing activist farmers, students, artists, and leaders in the local Slow Food movement, BURKINABÈ BOUNTY looks at how the Burkinabé people are reclaiming their land and defending their traditions against the encroachment of corporate agribusiness. From women gaining economic independence by selling artisanal “dolo” beer, to youth marching in the streets against companies like Monsanto, to hip-hop musicians setting up their own farms and reviving the revolutionary spirit of Thomas Sankara through their music, BURKINABÈ BOUNTY shows the creative tactics people are using to take back control of their food, seeds, and future.


More information: www.culturesofresistancefilms.com