David McKay
Nevada City, CA
Artist Statement
Enthusiastic about the entire process, from being in the wild, to capturing the shot, to processing the image, when I take a photo I often feel that the gap between me and nature is bridged. The sense of self and the otherness of wildness resonate with a deep, full connection, inspiring a love for nature and creating an impetus for activism to protect the natural world. Resilience can transform hardship into strength and beauty, metaphorically depicted by tree, rock, and water in my photos.
Submission Category:
Juried Works:
“Rock and a Hard Place”
Medium: Printed by me on canvas using my Epson 9800 and archival pigment inks
Size (h” x w”): 28 x 21
Price: U$ 390 + tax
Learn More:www.davidmckayphotography.com