The On Tour Manager leads and manages SYRCL’s Wild & Scenic Film Festival On Tour (“On Tour”) program. The On Tour program partners with hosts to produce their own festival, so WSFF staff does not travel to the events. Since 2005, On Tour provides a turn-key fundraiser, membership drive, and awareness-building event to other organizations offering a selection of films from SYRCL’s annual flagship Wild & Scenic Film Festival held in Nevada City and Grass Valley CA.
The On Tour program is a major source of funding for the South Yuba River Citizens League’s (SYRCL) river conservation work. SYRCL’s On Tour Manager has proven experience to sell this growing program to returning hosts and expanding its reach to new hosts. The On Tour Manager takes the initiative, enjoys the challenge of nationwide sales, is passionate about the environment, works hard in a fast-paced workday, and enjoys working collaboratively with a team.
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