Mãri hi – The Tree of Dream

Morzaniel Ɨramari (Director), Davi Kopenawa Yanomami (Special participation), Morzaniel Ɨramari (Director of Photography and Camera), Eryk Rocha and Gabriela Carneiro da Cunha (Producers), Morzaniel Ɨramari, Rodrigo Ribeiro-Andrade, Julia Faraco and Carlos Eduardo Ceccon (Editors), Waldir Xavier (Sound Editor), Guilherme Lima de Assis (Sound Mixing), Marcos Lopes da Silva and Morzaniel Ɨramari (Direct Sound), Caio Lazaneo (Color Grading and Finishing) | 2023 | 17 min.

2024 Official Selection

Mãri hi – The Tree of Dream is the latest film by Morzaniel Ɨramari that features the great Yanomami leader and shaman Davi Kopenawa, who lead us in this experience by presenting the knowledge of the Yanomami about dreams.