Film Information Name of Film (English)* Please input film title exactly as you want it to appear in the program.
Name of Film (Original Language) If Applicable
Filmmaker Names* To be credited on our website, virtual platform, and print program.
Please format as NAME (ROLE) such as: "John Doe (Director), Jane Doe (Producer), etc.
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DirectorName* To be credited on our website, virtual platform, and print program. Include role with film (i.e. Director, Production, Production Company, etc.).
Year Film Completed*
Total Running Time* Format as 00:00:00
Country in which film was produced*
Website for film or company. Limit to two. We will list these on your film page featured on our website. Only include websites that you want us to share.
Activism or campaign website(s). Limit to two. We will list these on your film page featured on our website and we may extend invitations to these organizations to participate. Only include websites that you want us to share.
Subtitles* Is there an Open Captioned (in English) version of your film available?* Wild & Scenic is working to adapt and respond to needs of the hard of hearing and deaf communities. We are trying to gauge how many films have this option available in case we would like to offer this option to attendees. If you have a CC/OC version available, we may reach out to you about attaining this at a later date. Thank you for considering.
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Which of the following issues/genre most closely characterizes your film? Please choose one.* Which issue/genre most closely characterizes your film?* Does your film belong in any of the below categories? Check all that apply
Film Description* Provide a 50-60 word summary of your film. The description should provide a good overview of the film, its content and purpose, recognizable notable personalities and/or narrators featured in the film, as well as any updates to issues presented in the film which occurred post-production. The description will appear in the festival program and in the virtual platform. This is a film's first impression for the festival audience, so represent what you want to convey, but keep it concise please!
What's the elevator pitch for your film?* In 20 words or less. For example, "A small town comes to the aid of a dying river."
Has this film received any awards? Please list below (limit to 3). These may be listed in the program.
Will this be a premiere of your film?* If so, what kind of premiere? This field is hidden when viewing the form
Please specify in what format you will be submitting your film. Include resolution and frame rate. You may also include aspect ratio.
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Media Type* We require a digital copy of your master QuickTime in the format with the least amount of compression. We HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you send a digital file using our Filmmaker Portal ( Please indicate the media type here so we can effectively keep track of your film.
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Media Type* We require a digital copy of your master QuickTime in the format with the least amount of compression. We HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you send a digital file. Please indicate the media type here so we can effectively keep track of your film.
Media Assets In this section, you will provide us with supplemental media to help us promote your film!
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How would you prefer to send your film? You may send your film in one of two ways. 1) download link (Dropbox, Vimeo, Google Drive, etc.) or 2) direct upload through Dropbox. SPECS:
1920 x 1080p h.264 @ 10Mbps. Both .mp4 and .mov format are accepted.
DCPs and ProRes files are not accepted.
Audio Channels: two-channel stereo with optional Matrix embedded surround (Pro Logic or similar).
5.1 surround is not accepted.
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Download Link Please include a download link to your film here (Dropbox, Vimeo, Google Drive, etc.) with password, if applicable. Note, this is not a streaming link; please ensure you have downloads enabled on the link you share here.
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Direct Upload Use the following link to upload your film directly to Wild & Scenic's private Dropbox:
Film Stills* Upload up to 3 still photographs from your film for use on the virtual platform and other film festival materials. Please consider stills that capture pivotal moments of your film, and that you would use on a poster. Minimum image size of 640 x 640 pixels; .jpg and .png files accepted
Trailer URL Trailers must be on YouTube or Vimeo (Vimeo is preferred). Please make sure they are public and shareable.
Downloadable Trailer URL If you have a downloadable file of your trailer, please include link here. By sending the link, you are agreeing to allow us to download the trailer and share on Wild & Scenic and SYRCL's social media channels to promote your film and the festival. Recommended specs: .MP4 or .MOV format, maximum file size 30MB, maximum length 120 seconds, maximum frame rate 30fps
Short Social Trailer Download URL If you have a downloadable file of your shortened trailer for social media (think Tik Tok and IG stories) please include link here. By sending the link, you are agreeing to allow us to download the trailer and share on Wild & Scenic and SYRCL's social media channels to promote your film and the festival. Recommended specs: .MP4 or .MOV format, maximum file size 30MB, maximum length 60 seconds, maximum frame rate 30fps
Are there any social media handles or hashtags for your film that you would like us to use for promotional purposes?* Please provide handle(s) and hashtag(s) here: example: Facebook: @wildscenicfilms #SampleCampaign
Virtual Screening Specifications In this new era of virtual film festival screenings, we recognize the emerging need for some filmmakers to request limitations on attendance. As a general rule, we are planning to keep our online screenings as open as possible, meeting audiences where they are at and creating an easeful screening experience. However, we will consider requests for ticket caps, geoblocking, and date/time limits for films that require it. WSFF is still deciding on the exact scope of virtual screenings this year. Wild & Scenic staff will reach out to you directly to confirm the specifics of your screening specifications if needed.
Do you give WSFF permission to screen your film virtually?* Virtual screenings may occur online for the flagship festival, as well as for the On Tour program. See options for restrictions on virtual screenings below.
Will you require a ticket cap on your film screening?* We prefer to keep screenings open whenever possible. If necessary, we can consider capping attendance.
Ticket cap specifics* Please share information here about your ticket cap request
Will you require geoblocking on your film screening?* We prefer to keep screenings open whenever possible. If necessary, we can consider geoblocking attendance at the country or state level.
Geoblocking Specifics* Please share information here about your geoblocking request
Will you require a limit on your film's availability window?* If your film is chosen for the virtual portion of the festival, it will be made available for two weeks starting on February 13th, 2025. We prefer to keep screenings as open as possible. If necessary, we can consider limiting the length of time your film is available on the virtual platform.
Availability window specifics* Please share information here about your request to limit the length of time your film is available on the virtual platform.
Closed Captioning* Closed captions are now required to meet ADA standards. Please upload your closed captions file here (Subtitles can be uploaded as .srt or .vtt files)
Permissions & Contact Information Festival Intro Clip* Each year the festival creates an intro trailer shown at the beginning of each film session. We would like your permission to have the ability to use a short segment of your film to include in the intro. This trailer is also used on our international On Tour program and on our website.
Will you allow one copy of this film to be available in the Wild & Scenic Film Festival library?* We have a virtual lending library for SYRCL and WSFF members at our Nevada City, CA office. These films are only available for private viewing for our members.
If selected, do you give us permission to take your film On Tour?* Wild & Scenic Film Festival makes select films available for selection in our On Tour program, with over 100 possible screening dates each year.
Click Here to Learn More about WSFF On Tour May SYRCL show your film at other Wild & Scenic Film Festival related events?* Name of contact person for film.*
Contact Title/Role*
Contact Address*
Contact Phone Number*
Contact E-mail*
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Sharing Contact Information* May the Wild & Scenic Film Festival provide your contact info on our website?
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Provide details of what information you would like provided. Website and/or e-mail, etc.
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Will you or any other members from the film crew be attending the festival?* This field is hidden when viewing the form
Are there other people associated with your film that we should invite to attend the festival, such as narrators, organizations, interviewees? If so, list their names and contact information and we'll extend an invitation.
Certification of Entrant for a Film* Authorizing Name* Provide the name of the person authorizing the above agreements.
Today's Date*
MM slash DD slash YYYY